You missed out!
You transform your life by seeing it differently. It happens when you find your own answers to what you believe and create a spiritual practice. You begin to experience the guidance that’s always there.
Life changes when you actually recognize that guidance and take action on it. That’s where the real power comes in. Miracles and feeling good become normal, inspiring ideas come more easily, and you know how to handle situations intuitively and worry free.
The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan takes you step-by-step through everything you learned in Spiritual Awakening Simplified and puts it into action. When you find your own answers to what you believe and live it, you show up for life with excitement!
Why Be More Spiritual?
What's Stopping You?
Don't have anyone to talk to about spirituality who gets you?
Left your religious tradition because you don't feel like you fit in?
Want to start a spiritual practice, but don't have the time, or know how?
Wonder what you're doing wrong because you struggle with meditating or praying?
Don't believe someone like you could become spiritual?
I've spent many years wishing I was more spiritual. I grew up going to church, hearing stories about it, but still feeling disconnected. There was always something, or someone, in between as a middleman. Spirituality was more of a concept than a reality. It was about the rules, not the relationship.
I didn't want to go live on a mountain or in a cave. I didn't want to reject the tradition I grew up with either, but it really didn't have my answers. Where was spirituality for regular people with normal doubts and differing beliefs? How could I finally feel connected?
Then following the death of my first wife Laura, I had a spiritual experience and everything changed. I needed deeper spirituality more than ever to find meaning and comfort. But, the more I looked around, the more I was still being told what to believe. Spiritual experiences were supposedly just for prophets and saints, but it wasn't true.
I wanted more experiences. I wanted to know what I truly believed, but I didn't know how to go about it. The idea that one belief negated another didn't make sense. I didn't want to leave one ideology just to adopt a new one. My experience made me more aware, not ready to follow blindly.
I spent years studying different religions and mystical traditions from around the world. I kept what worked and used it to better explain my own tradition. I figured out what I believed for myself, from the bottom-up.
The more I got in touch with what I believed, the more experiences I would have. I became fascinated with how spirituality can heal, change how you see the world, and improve your relationships. But how did this work?
Studying led to teaching, which led to healing myself and others. Twenty-five years later I'm offering everything I know to try and help you find what I did - real spiritual relationship and experience based on what I believe from the bottom-up. If it worked for me it would for others too.
The secret to what I teach isn't in the teaching. It's in figuring out what you believe and developing a relationship with Spirit for yourself. Spirit is what makes miracles normal. Unlocking the power of belief, your belief not mine, changes everything! It's what connects you to Spirit and shows you that spiritual experiences happen all the time.
This course was created to help everyone be more spiritual as simply as possible.
ENROLL NOW! Find Your Answers, Change Your Life!
Find Your Answers. Change Your Life!
I created the Seven-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® so you can find your own answers to what you believe and create a daily practice to feel supported, inspired, and connected every day. You're never on your own, but you're always deciding for yourself, in a format that fits your life.
The difference between being happy or miserable is how you see the world.
This course is designed to awaken you to spiritual reality, based on loving awareness. As you develop deeper understanding and perspective, you begin to see and react to the world differently. Working on it every day changes everything!
Miracles are normal when you experience Spirit for yourself.
This course is created to help you experience Spirit through raising awareness to the subtle communication that happens all the time. Let go of doubt, stress, and anxiety, by knowing Spirit yourself. Experiencing Spirit unlocks the incredible power of belief! This course explains how and why.
Spiritual people are happier, healthier, and have better relationships
This course helps you figure out what you believe and how to live in alignment with those beliefs. Being spiritual changes how you think, what you feel, and the choices you make. You see and experience the world as a different person and life gets a lot better because of it.
This module helps you focus on the subtle messages you receive through the variety of different ways to connect with Spirit on a daily basis. What are the signs you see that something is happening? The importance is training yourself to become more aware. You explore getting the message in five 7-minute video lessons on prayer, meditation, spiritual literature, nature, and creativity.
This module helps you raise your awareness about your self. It takes you from a fear-based physical reality to the loving awareness of spiritual reality through a deeper spiritual connection. You raise awareness in five 7-minute video lessons exploring automatic thinking, projecting fear, thinking positively, asking your inner guide, and co-creating reality.
This module helps you explore what you believe and value as you go through an inner questioning to reveal belief, identity, and meaning. And by exploring them how you raise awareness. You begin questioning in five 7-minute video lessons on Who Am I?, What Am I Doing Here?, Where Am I Going?, How Do I Know This Is The Route I Should Be Taking?, and Who Chose That Route?
This module helps you realize your real emotional truth about what you fear and how you can process it. It helps you realize your real emotional truth about what you fear and how you can process core wounds, or the formative painful experiences that shape our relationship with fear. You start processing your pain in five 7-minute video lessons which explore, Taking Out The Hooks, Understanding Your Pain, Examining Detours And Obstacles, Avoiding Pain, and Sharing Experiences, Finding Support.
This module helps you determine your own answers about how you see and react to the world through deeper questioning. It explores your current awareness and dives deeper into how we came to what we believe. You start self reflecting in five 7-minute video lessons you take on the questions, When Did I Start Thinking This Way?, What Did I Need To Change To Grow And Develop?, What Happened To Make Me Feel This Way?, Why Do I Let People Hurt Me?, and How Do I Find Peace?
This module helps you learn the power of your choices when they are in alignment with what you believe. When you choose love over fear, you can change how you see and react to the world, and how others see and react to you. You go through the choosing love process in five 7-minute video lessons on Choosing a path, Developing discernment, Asking for guidance, Developing character, and Taking responsibility for what you choose.
This module helps you go to higher levels of awareness, by focusing on others. It explores a variety of higher ideals and techniques which help raise awareness. You develop selfless awareness in five 7-minute video lessons on Being present, Gratitude, Surrendering, Selfless service, and the value of Diet, exercise and sleep for greater awareness.
This module helps you tune-in to experience the subtle nature of spiritual communication. Miracles are normal when we are able to notice the spiritual communication happening all the time. You're introduced to different ways to tune-in through five 7-minute video lessons, including Spiritual reflection, Feeling spiritual energy, Spiritual communication, Kindness, tolerance and a willingness to serve, and Walking your spiritual path.
"Since joining the 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan, I have developed a beautiful meditation practice. I used to be so anxious all the time, and after joining the 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan. its helped me get control of my anxiety, release it and move forward with a beautiful new perspective on the world around me. It's incredible!”
This course was created in 7-minute video lessons to help you become more spiritual in a format that fits your life. But, we also created guided meditations to help you go deeper.
The guided meditations allow you to notice the subtle changes in awareness that each lesson offers. They take you from thinking and begin to integrate them into your knowing. Deeper spiritual understanding is your choice.
The course is goes even deeper in eight longer teaching videos, which help you understand the bigger ideas behind the group of lessons in that module.
The teaching videos help you see the bigger picture and become the basis of knowing your own answers, as you put them into action. That's when things really start to kick, in as living what you believe becomes a normal part of your everyday life.
Unlike other courses which ask for a monthly membership fee or have limited access, you have access to all the content for the lifetime of the course.
You can go through the course and begin your awakening process, and then go through it again, getting something different from it each time. That's what awakening is all about. We see and experience the world differently as we grow and develop.
John has been studying and teaching spirituality and healing all over the world for over twenty-five years. He combines the mystical wisdom of various traditions and the rational understanding of science and medicine, so he can teach it so it makes sense and feels right. Naturally empathetic and intuitive, John's spirituality guides him to the truth through experience, when science and medicine run out of answers. John's purpose is to help you find a deeper spiritual relationship, and the healthier, happier, life with better relationships you've always wanted.
“Having the Spiritual Health Plan® has made a huge impact on my life, teaching me to understand my past and to see my life with new eyes. I used to live every day on the edge of fear, but after working each day on my spiritual health, now I experience life as it happens and I am much, much, happier. My problems and challenges didn’t go away, but how I face them and how I let them affect me has totally changed. Thank you.”
(Save over $150 when you bundle)
I want you to feel assured that this is a great choice without any anxiety about getting started right now. I believe in the power of positive energy and want to be sure you are satisfied with the course and the experience it provides. So, if you are unhappy with the course, and you contact me within 30 days of purchase, I will provide a full refund. It's hassle free and worry free.
“The Spiritual Health Plan® provided a very structured path that helped me get connected. By working with it every day, I was able to discover where my pain was from and how to alleviate it. I look forward every morning to my message and video on my iPad and doing the ‘lesson’ for the day. I recommend it to anyone who is searching for deeper meaning in their life and who wants to develop the skills to find peace and a real connection.”
A: The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® makes it easy to find your own answers to what you believe and start a daily spiritual practice! With forty 7-minute video lessons in eight modules that includes guided meditations and teaching lessons, and weekly emails, it puts into action everything you learned in the Spiritual Awakening SIMPLIFIED course. It's designed to help you become more spiritual in a format that fits your life. You can even measure your progress with a spiritual health score! The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® is the answer for anyone who wants to spiritually awaken, but doesn't know where to start.
A: Yes! The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® is for anyone who wants to spiritually awaken and connect directly with Spirit. It gives you the guidance, support, and inspiration you need, whether you're brand new or have been working at it for years, If you're religious or reject it altogether, it doesn't matter. The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® is designed to take you through the 3-stages of spiritual awakening, 1. Find your Own Answers, 2. Process Your Pain and 3. Choose Love, Not Fear, while deepening your connection, in just seven minutes a day. It will meet you wherever you are and make it easy to find out what you believe and start a daily practice. It's for anyone who wants to spiritually awaken to a healthier, happier, life with better relationships.
A: Everything is in the 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® portal or sent to your email! You just log in and can access the forty 7-minute video lessons, meditations, longer teaching lessons, and more. You can access the portal from your computer, tablet or smartphone. And to make it SUPER easy to stay motivated, you'll get an email at the end of each week to encourage and support you! The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® is everything you need to get started to a healthier, happier, life with better relationships in a format that fits your life.
A: That’s up to you! There is no curriculum, no “homework,” no schedule. You can listen to the lectures and meditations, complete the lessons and read the emails whenever you want, as often as you like. If you’re super busy one week, don’t sweat it. You can’t fall behind. The awesome thing about the 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® is that it makes it really easy to stay on track and live a spiritual life in just seven minutes a day. When you commit to your practice, you’ll find that time expands! But everyone can find seven minutes each day for a deeper connection.
A: It will be there waiting for you! You can go back to any lecture, lesson, or meditation at any time and listen/read/watch/practice whenever you want. The 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® gives you a flexible structure that fits your busy life. There are no rigid rules. Because it's a lifetime membership, you are encouraged to go through it as many times as you want. getting something new from it each time.
A: If you decide the 7-Minute Spiritual Health Plan® isn’t for you, just can cancel at any time within 30 days of purchase to receive a full refund. No questions or hassles. Upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the portal or continue getting the emails. It's a worry free decision to enroll with plenty of time to evaluate if it's right for you. So, get started today!
Sometimes we can see the world through the lens of fear, anger, and sadness and we need to find perspective or we live with anxiety and get sick. Spirituality is about finding truth, love, and the peace of knowing we are always being guided and cared for. Spirituality heals and helps you see the world as it is! That's what awakening is all about, but it requires us to believe in it to achieve it. My goal is to help you figure out what you believe and to form your own relationship with Spirit as simply as possible in a format that fits your life.
ENROLL NOW! Find Your Answers, Change Your Life!