Spirituality Brings 


Do You Want To Awaken?

Sometimes you can see the world through the lens of fear, anger and sadness and live with constant stress and anxiety. When this happens you can either find a higher perspective or continue to suffer. To start on that path you need to see the world as it is, not as fear presents it, you need to find truth. Then you can eventually awaken to the love that surrounds you all the time, and the peace that comes from knowing you are always being guided and cared for no matter what's happening. Everyone can awaken, but you have to choose a spiritual path to form a relationship with what you believe in.

For over twenty-five years, I’ve been studying and teaching spirituality and healing all over the world. By combining universal mystical wisdom within an evidence-based approach, I teach how to find your unique path to awakening through truth, beauty, goodness, and love, so it makes sense and feels right for you. I help you know and live in alignment with your beliefs, not mine. The first thing to understand is that spirituality is personal. My purpose is to help you awaken to the love you believe in, and to live the healthier, happier life that spiritual awakening provides, because spirituality is personal.

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My Spiritual Story

When I was little my great grandmother would take me to church before everyone got up. One Sunday, while praying in the first pew, she passed away in front of me. It changed my life. I felt something with me, in me, filling me with grace. That’s when I knew their was a Mysterious Other. Raised Catholic, I was all in until my parents got divorced. That’s when the church divorced me. I was fifteen.

Spiritually adrift till my late twenties, God became very real in my life once again. I fell in love with Laura- the know it immediately soul mate kind of love. She began remembering being abused as a child, which led to her depression, anxiety, migraines, eczema- her body kept the score. Then one night she had a direct experience with God while laying next to me and it changed her. She began to heal and started praying and meditating to forgive the unforgivable.

As filmmakers, we began interviewing the top minds in the science of spirituality to understand how this spiritual connection could heal her. Just as we completed the first draft, she died from a burst ectopic pregnancy and it became a blueprint for my own spiritual healing. Over the next ten years, I finished the documentary Spiritual Health Explained and studied spiritual healing all over the world, from Fatima to Lourdes, ashram’s in India and healing centers in Eastern Europe.

I found that all paths lead to the same place, our own Self, and there are three basic principles, Find Your Own Answers; Process Your Pain; Choose Love, Not Fear. For the past twenty years I’ve practiced and taught spiritual healing around the world.

Is Fear Killing You?

Living in fear is like drowning, where unconsciously and out of desperation you react with anger, sadness, and it shows up as stress. Eventually it becomes a chronic health problem that can't be solved with a pill. But by changing what you believe and the patterns you create because of it, you can choose to let go of the fear that's keeping you stuck. Life can be a struggle or the most exhilarating time imaginable. Finding health, happiness, and joy is about knowing what you love and having a relationship with it every day. It happens through spiritual awakening!

Spiritual Awakening Simplified Masterclass
